Monday, 18 February 2013

Kirsty - Pitch Feedback

Pitch Feedback:

You did great guys! That was really positive, the tutors and guests seemed really involved in our idea. Here I have noted down the ideas they came up with and the suggestions they made but they really seemed to like our basics!!

Use other effects to affect vision – not just lack of light.

Small amount light generated from player.

Small illumination from an enemy’s eyes


Longer walls/multiple smaller walls that shift.
Moving exits?

Large navigable terrain within rooms – pillars etc. More disruption; cause the player to think and strategies before moving forward.

Varying textures and additions like pipes to set aside one room from another.

False security – after a few rooms of increasing difficulty, present player with a room that is ‘safe’ then vastly increase level of difficulty in the next room.

Player Testing:

Test on different monitors.

Test 20 randomly generated rooms.

Once level is fully constructed, each group member plays through and critically documents their own experience/strategies to see how players will cope and test difficulty levels. Generate ideas on how to increase re-playability.

Additional Ideas:

How do enemies affect the player? One hit death or increasing damage – more exploration on how damage is translated to players. Also note strategies on how to deal with enemies.

Time element incorporated into game?

A goal, do you need to escape? Potential objectives? Give player more reason to continue playing than just to survive.

1 comment:

  1. I feel we need to add some sort of counter, with which we can add kind of.... mini objectives somehow relating to progression and giving the player miniture tasks with which they can achieve a stronger sense of progression
