Monday, 25 February 2013

Luke - Unity Progress

Wooden beams have replaced the grey boxes to represent the random objects. First flare gun prototype is also working, still needs some tweaking but progress is good.

Elliot - Support Beams

Today, I re-positioned textures and uv's as well as vertex's to make things appear nicer in unity.
i also modelled these support beams :D

Luke has scripted these free standing beams to act as random objects therefore there position will change each time a new room is generated

Kirsty - Enemy Designs

Pencil sketch of possible enemy designs.

Canary cage morphed into the hand

Pick axes fused with the spine + creepy tongue.

Torch as part of the head.

Kirsty - Mine cart and tool box

Kirsty - Week 4:

Week 4: A list of things still to do, not necessarily all this week - as usual. Some tasks have already been handed out. As before, upload pictures and a brief explanation of work when you're done, thank you!

Flare gun mechanics.- Luke (start if pos)
Flare gun reload.
... Counter on the rooms – passed a certain point introduce water to achieve sense of getting deeper.
Melee weapon.
Enemy movement towards player
Tweaking existing code - Luke

Vital assets:
Walls – Beams and details – Elliot
Lift Shaft – Rock Texture, metal beams - Elliot
Walls, external (Entrance to mine)
Finish Lift - Jez
Flare gun
Large boulders
Finish Door – Luke
Mine cart (texture) - Kirsty
Minor assets :
Small misc. tools e.g. spanner, screw driver etc. Pos in tool box
Pulley System
Wooden/Metal Boxes (Possible later animation)

Any posters/danger signs.
Monster concepts – Kirsty and Jez (Everyone?)
Miner type monsters
Descendant type monster
Environment Concepts

User Interface

Jez - Miner Concept ideas.

 Here are a few peices i have drawn to show some of the ideas for enemies for my own personal benifit also to give a clear understanding to the 3d modelers before we make the models.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Luke - Unity Progress

Quick little screenshot of the walls and door texture with some lighting thrown in for dramatic effect.

Elliot - Environment Modeling

Modelling the rocky parts of the environment was fairly easy, just created box's then added edge loops enabling me to randomly position vertex's after which i added a rock texture and bump map which proved effective in unity.

Ceiling and Floor (Same Model, Floor flattened a bit)


Wall With Door Space

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Jez - Mine Lift

Here is a test render of using alpha maps for metal grating and testing out the use of normal maps etc to give the grating more texture.

More progress, textures eddited and mapped, darker feel and more rusty.

Need to work out how to stop the specular being so strong on the grating.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Kirsty - Mutant face

Enemy design in sculptris. I liked the lower face and the head shape but the deformities in the eyes were too severe.

Kirsty - Pitch Feedback

Pitch Feedback:

You did great guys! That was really positive, the tutors and guests seemed really involved in our idea. Here I have noted down the ideas they came up with and the suggestions they made but they really seemed to like our basics!!

Use other effects to affect vision – not just lack of light.

Small amount light generated from player.

Small illumination from an enemy’s eyes


Longer walls/multiple smaller walls that shift.
Moving exits?

Large navigable terrain within rooms – pillars etc. More disruption; cause the player to think and strategies before moving forward.

Varying textures and additions like pipes to set aside one room from another.

False security – after a few rooms of increasing difficulty, present player with a room that is ‘safe’ then vastly increase level of difficulty in the next room.

Player Testing:

Test on different monitors.

Test 20 randomly generated rooms.

Once level is fully constructed, each group member plays through and critically documents their own experience/strategies to see how players will cope and test difficulty levels. Generate ideas on how to increase re-playability.

Additional Ideas:

How do enemies affect the player? One hit death or increasing damage – more exploration on how damage is translated to players. Also note strategies on how to deal with enemies.

Time element incorporated into game?

A goal, do you need to escape? Potential objectives? Give player more reason to continue playing than just to survive.

Friday, 15 February 2013

Luke - Unity Progress

A few screenshots of the mechanics demo for the game made in Unity. This is to be the starting point of our final game.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Luke - Game Mechanics Plan

Basic sketch plan and explaination of the mechanics behind the mine generation.

Kirsty - Pitch Outline

To include in the pitch:

Slide 1:

Name of Group: Anti Axis
Name of Game : The Mine

Slide 2:

Who is in the group
Our individual roles

Slide 3:
Brief synopsis (on group blog)

Slide 4/5:

Include initial Concept Art – Will probably cover a few slides?

Slide 5/6:

Our mechanics:

First person perspective
Shoot with flare gun
Possibility of melee weapon
 Randomly generated walls
Objects randomly generated within walls
 etc add here

------INSERT DEMO HERE -----

Slide 7:
Due to our aim to produce higher end graphics we hope to use PC as our target platform.

Slide 8:
Development schedule
Week by week plan somehow.

Slide 9:
Inability to integrate the randomly generated rooms and items into working gameplay environment.
, inexperience in UV mapping and texturing, character animation, scripting problems

Monday, 11 February 2013

Jez - Concept art

Currently working on a landscape environmental piece to give across my idea of what the mine shaft might look like, which is the main setting in our group game .

Here is a work in progress that i am currently feeling okay with the layout so far, obviously a long way to go on the surrounding areas but this is one of my many goals to have by the end of the week.


Will be updating process as i go.

-Miner/enemy ideas for the mine: currently in progress.

Kirsty - Another monster

Still not quite, but maybe more like this in my head.

Kirsty - Enemy Design

Not quite what I imagined yet, but playing around with ideas.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Elliot - Wall Design Ideas

A small segment of a mine/ cave wall to get an idea of how to model and texture our final idea.

Maya Concept

Elliot - Enemy Concepts

Rock Enemys

Mutated Miners 

Friday, 8 February 2013

Elliot - Mining Lamp

Kirsty - Basic Narrative

The current narrative behind this project revolves around a mine inspection gone very wrong. You control the actions of a health inspector who initially meant to simply survey the mine in question for it’s re-opening. The mine is haunted by a dark past. The rumours state that the workers were left trapped within. The reason for this abrupt and horrific action was never revealed.

 Now all you need to do is try to survive and escape though your only choice is to move deeper into the infinite depths of the mine and further into the claustrophobic darkness.

You face the twisted mutant forms of the abandoned miners, warped by the radioactive minerals within the earth itself and their descendants; pale, distorted, violent and sightless. 

Kirsty - Some Mood Boards